MIGNET : Trasnational Digital Networks Migration and Gender

MIG@NET explores how migrant individuals and communities participate in the production and transformation of transnational digital networks and the effect of transnational digital networks on migrant mobility and integration. Transnational digital networks had been studied as instances of socioeconomic, gender, racial, and class hierarchies, where the participation of migrant communities entails the possibility of challenging these hierarchies. The participation of migrant communities – at times inclusive, joining in larger transnational digital projects, at times exclusive, creating separate and relatively closed transnational spaces – had been investigated in detail through particular case studies in seven thematic areas: Border Crossings, Communication and Information Flows, Education and Knowledge, Religious Practices, Sexualities, Social Movements, Intercultural Conflict and Dialogue.


Mig@net report : Social Movements

Mig@net report : Intercultural Conflict and Dialogue