Reports on Fundamental Cyprus

Here we publish the titles of various human rights reports written mostly for the European Union Agency on Fundamental Agency as well as other Agencies. They cover many different  areas on fundamental rights in Cyprus.

Some of these reports will be downloadable, whilst other can be sent upon request.

Thematic studies submitted to the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (and EUMC)  in the Framework of the RAXEN Network in 2004-2010:

 Racist and related hate crimes, Cyprus,  RAXEN Thematic Study, September 2010.

The asylum-seeker’s perspective: access to information and to effective remedies, Cyprus, RAXEN Thematic StudyMay 2010

 Preventing racism, xenophobia and related intolerance in sport across the European Union, Cyprus, RAXEN Thematic Study, March 2009

Housing Conditions of Roma and Travellers, Cyprus, RAXEN Thematic Study March 2009

Human rights issues and debates during the 2009 EU parliament election campaign, FRA Rapid Response Report for Cyprus,  July 2009.

Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus, Annual Report, FRA Data Collection Report – Contribution to the RAXEN Annual Report 2009

Good practices raising awareness,   RAXEN Rapid Response  December 2006.

 Legal precedents, RAXEN Rapid Response, November 2006.

Combating ethnic and racial discrimination and promoting equality: Trends and developments 2000 – 2005, Cyprus, Report by the Cyprus National Focal Point for the EUMC, June 2006

Organisations supporting victims of racial discrimination – Cyprus,  Special Study Report by the Cyprus National Focal Point for the EUMC, 2005.

Roma, Sindi, Gypsies and Travellers in public education in Cyprus, RAXEN Special Study, Report by the Cyprus National Focal Point for the EUMC, 2004.

Update of the Data Collection Report, Rapid Response February 2008

Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus: National Data Collection Report, October 2007

Update of the Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus: Data Collection Report, Rapid Response, January 2007

Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus National Data Collection Report, Cyprus, October 2006

Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus: National Annual Report 2005, Cyprus, October 2005

Racism and Xenophobia in Cyprus: National Annual Report 2004, Cyprus, October 2004

Contribution to EUMC Annual Report 2003 – Cyprus, July 2004

Thematic studies on Cyprus submitted to the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union in the Framework of the Network of the European of Experts in Fundamental Rights (FRALEX) in 2007-2009: 

Thematic Legal Study on Mental Health and Fundamental Rights, Cyprus, November 2009

Thematic Legal Study on assessment of Access to Justice in Civil Cases, Cyprus, October 2009

Thematic National Legal Study on rights of irregular immigrants in voluntary and involuntary return procedures, Cyprus, June 2009

Thematic Legal Study on impact of the Race Equality Directive National Report, Cyprus, April 2009

Thematic Legal Study on assessment of data protection measures and relevant institutions, Cyprus Report, February 2009

Thematic Legal Study on National Human Rights Institutions and Human Rights Organisations, Cyprus, September 2008.

Thematic Study on Child Trafficking, Cyprus, August 2008

Thematic Legal Study on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation, Cyprus, February 2008.

Other Expert Reports

National report on Cyprus: “Ways of Implementing the EU directives on Violence against Children, Young People and Women: Good Practices and Recommendations” led by the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, financed by the European Commissions’ Daphne II Programme 2006-2009.

 Daphne II – Violence against Children, Young People and Women: Ways of implementing the EU directives on violence against women, children and youth: good practices and recommendations: Questionnaire on Cyprus. Leading partner: University of Ljubljana (Contract no. JLS/2006/DAP-1/184WYC 30-CE-0123839/00-09)

 ‘Investing in people: Good practices by banks and credit institutions for the integration of migrants and refugees – Report on Cyprus, submitted in the Framework of the INTI Project INVIP (Contract no. JLS/2006/INTI/098) 2009.

Reports on measures to combat discrimination, Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, to the Legal Network of Independent Experts in the non-discrimination field Cyprus, operated by  Migration Policy Group &  Human European Consultancy (2003-2007):

Report on measures to combat discrimination, Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, Cyprus Country report 2003 (April 2003)

 Report on measures to combat discrimination, Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, Cyprus Country report 2004 (November 2004)

 Report on measures to combat discrimination, Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, Cyprus Country report 2005 (February 2005)

Report on measures to combat discrimination, Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC, Cyprus Country report 2007 (January 2007)

Thematic Study on Equality Bodies on the basis of Article 13 of the Race Directive, 2006.

Mapping Exercise: NGOs Working To Combat Discrimination, 2005

 Special Request on Religious Symbols, November 2006

Flash reports on measures to combat discrimination in Cyprus submitted to the Legal Network of Independent Experts in the non-discrimination field between 2007-2010 (available at Some of these flash reports feed into the “Law Review” printed by the Network.

Other Expert Reports

‘Equality Bodies’, Report on Cyprus, submitted in May 2010 to Human European Consultancy in partnership with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights in the Framework of a European study on Equality Bodies set up under Directives 2000/43/EC, 2004/113/EC and 2006/54/EC  (Contract no. VT/2009/012).

Research on the attitudes of adult Cypriots towards third country nationals, European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals in Cyprus, lead partner EDEX commissioned by Civil Registry and Migration Department – Ministry of  Interior, July 2010.

MIPEX anti-discrimination questionnaire Cyprus, in the framework of the Project ‘Outcomes for Policy Change (OPC): Common European Monitoring, Analysis and Recommendations from the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) Indicators’ operated by the British Council and the Migration Policy Group, June 2010.

National Expert Report on Citizenship on Cyprus (see Produced the European Democracy Observatory on citizenship (EUDO) National Report on Citizenship in Cyprus, April 2010, at


INTI: Prospects for Integration of Migrants from ‘Third countries’ and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action (PRIMTS), as per contract No: JLS/2007/IF/CA/011:

The Migrant Narratives – The case of Cyprus, Working Paper 3, Prospects for Integration of Migrants from “Third countries” and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action (PRIMTS), Funded by European Commission, European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals “Community Actions” 2007, Directorate-General Freedom, Security and Justice, April 2010 (co-authored with Mihaela Fulias-Souroulla).

Analysis of data on (un)employment of ‘third country nationals’ and of industry and service sectors where they work – The case of Cyprus, Working Paper 2, Prospects for Integration of Migrants from “Third countries” and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action (PRIMTS), Funded by European Commission, European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals “Community Actions” 2007, Directorate-General Freedom, Security and Justice, April 2009.

Mapping and evaluating migration and integration policies – The case of Cyprus, Working Paper 3, Prospects for Integration of Migrants from “Third countries” and their Labour Market Situations: Towards Policies and Action (PRIMTS), Funded by European Commission, European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals “Community Actions” 2007, Directorate-General Freedom, Security and Justice, October 2009.

Ways of Implementing the EU directives on Violence against Children, Young People and Women: Good Practices and Recommendations, led by the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, financed by the European Commissions’ Daphne II Programme 2006-2009.

 General Overview Report for Cyprus,  Voice for All, led by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE Malta) and another three partners Simfiliosi (Cyprus), Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunita (Italy), Institute For Conflict Research (N. Ireland), was funded by the Employment and Social Solidarity- PROGRESS (2007-2013), was a study of general context and policies on discrimination with view to exchange good practices, June-December 2008.

 Good practices Report, Cyprus Voice for All, led by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE Malta) and another three partners Simfiliosi (Cyprus), Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunita (Italy), Institute For Conflict Research (N. Ireland), was funded by the Employment and Social Solidarity- PROGRESS (2007-2013), was a study of general context and policies on discrimination with view to exchange good practices, June-December 2008.

Report on Cyprus, ERF Detention of Vulnerable Asylum Seekers in the EU – DEVAS (Contract No. JLS /2007/ERF0011 ).

National Expert Reports for EU Commission report on ‘Studies on the implementation of Labour Law Directives in the enlarged European Union’, 2006, on behalf of human european consultancy, funded by the EU Commission.

Cyprus Report on the implementation of Directive 96/71/EC concerning posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services.

Cyprus Report on Directive 2001/23/EC on the approximation of laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of businesses

Cyprus Report on the implementation of Directive 1999/70/EC concerning the Framework Agreement on fixed-term work concluded by UNICE, CEEP and ETUC

Cyprus Report on the implementation of Directive 2001/23/EC Directive 97/81/EC concerning the Framework Agreement on part-time work concluded by UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC


Other Report

National report on the demand side of trafficking, based on qualitative primary research into the demand side of trafficking under the AGIS program, with two transnational partners (in Greece and in Germany), 2007-2008. Project Title: Demand for Stolen Lives. Researching the Demand Side of Trafficking (DeStoLi). Duration: January 2005-August 2007,  Leading organization: Re-integration Centre for Migrant Workers, Athens, Greece,  Funded by the European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs under the program AGIS 2005.

Study of Detention Realities in Cyprus, Creating and strengthening a sustainable network of civil society concerning administrative detention of asylum seekers and illegally staying third-country nationals across the ten new EU Member States 2006-2007, in the framework of the program “Actions in support of civil society in the EU member states which acceded to the European Union on 1 May 2004”.  Leading partner: JRS Malta

National Report of Active Civic Participation of Immigrants, Cyprus, POLITIS: An Inquiry into the Civic Participation of Naturalised Citizens and Foreign Residents in 25 Countries  (2005).