ACCEPT PLURALISM is a Research Project, fundedby the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program. The project investigates whether European societies have become more or less tolerant during the past 20 years. In particular, the project aims to clarify: (a) how is tolerance defined conceptually, (b) how it is codified in norms, institutional arrangements, public policies and social practices, (c) how tolerance can be measured (whose tolerance, who is tolerated, and what if degrees of tolerance vary with reference to different minority groups). The ACCEPT PLURALISM consortium conducts original empirical research on key issues in school life and in politics that thematise different understandings and practices of tolerance. Bringing together empirical and theoretical findings, ACCEPT PLURALISM generates a State of the Art Report on Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in Europe, a Handbook on Ideas of Tolerance and Cultural Diversity in Europe, a Tolerance Indicators’ Toolkit where qualitative and quantitative indicators may be used to score each country’s performance on tolerating cultural diversity, and several academic publications (books, journal articles) on Tolerance, Pluralism and Cultural Diversity in Europe. The ACCEPT PLULARISM consortium is formed by 18 partner institutions covering 15 EU countries. The project is hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and co-ordinated by Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou.

Projects’ documents :

* Addressing Cultural, Ethnic & Religious Diversity Challenges in Europe : A Comparative Overview of 15 European Countries by Prof. Anna Triandafyllidou.

Tolerance and Cultural Diversity – Discourses in Cyprus , by Nicos Trimikliniotis and Corina Demetriou : SYMFILIOSI

The interaction between racist discourse and the rise in racial violence: The far right attack against a multicultural Rainbow Festival

* The embodiment of tolerance in discourses and practices addressing cultural diversity in schools : The case of Cyprus

* European Conference : Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion: Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe. 

Handbook on tolerance and cultural diversity