Digitalities, Borders & Migration
Trimikliniotis, N., (2025) “Cyprus: Can a divided country join Schengen?”, Philippe de Bruycker and Daniel Thym (eds.) The Law of Schengen, forthcoming book published by the ODYSSEUS network.

Trimikliniotis, Nicos, Giorgos Charalambous, Michelangelo Anastasiou, Myria Georgiou, Erol Kaymak, Afroditi Maria Koulaxi, Melis Mevsimler, Vassilis Tsianos, Corina Demetriou, Ari Sitas, and Emmanuel Achiri et al (2023) “Mobile Citizenship, States of Exception and (non)Border Regimes in post- COVID-19 Cyprus”, GreeSE Paper No. 183 Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, London School of Economics and Political Science .

Demetriou, C. and Trimikliniotis, N. (2022) Migration and Asylum during the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report on Cyprus, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) , July 2022.

Demetriou, C. and Trimikliniotis, N. (2022) Migration and Asylum during the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic: FES BRIEFING, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), July 2022.

Demetriou, C. and Trimikliniotis, N. (2022) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Fundamental Rights: A Report on Cyprus, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) July 2022.

Demetriou, C. and Trimikliniotis, N. (2022) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Fundamental Rights: A Report on Cyprus: FES BRIEFING, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), July 2022.

Trimikliniotis, N., Cyprus as a new refugee "hotspot" in Europe? Challenges for a Divided Country, Report for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, January 2020.

Trimikliniotis, N., Demetriou, C. MIGRATION: KEY FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS CONCERNS, Asylum, migration and border, Quarterly bulletin 1 - 2020, Fundamental Rights Agency, report on Cyprus

Trimikliniotis, N., Demetriou, C. Migrants and their descendants: social inclusion and participation in society, Cyprus Report for the Fundamental Rights Agency, March 2017.

Karatzogianni, A., Morgunova, O., Kambouri, N., Lafazani, O., Trimikliniotis, N., Ioannou, G, and Nguyen, D. (2016) “Intercultural Conflict and Dialogue in the Transnational Digital Public Sphere: Findings from the MIG@NET Research Project (2010-2013)” Karatzogianni, A, Nguyen, D and Serafinelli, E. (Eds.) The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere: Conflict, Migration, Crisis, and Culture in Digital Networks, Palgrave Macmillan.

Trimikliniotis, N., (2016) “The migration question, political parties and the Cypriot state of dissensus”, Christophorou, C. and Charalambous, G. (eds.) Party–Society Relations in the Republic of Cyprus, Political and societal strategies, Routledge, 183-201.

Trimikliniotis, N., Parsanoglou, N. & Tsianos, V. (2016) “Mobile commons and/in precarious spaces: Mapping migrant struggles and social resistance, Schierup, C. and Jørgensen, M. (eds.) Politics of Precarity, Migrant Conditions, Struggles and Experiences, Brill, The Hague.

Trimikliniotis, N. (2013) "Migration and free Movement of Workers: EU Law, Crisis and the Cypriot States of Exception." Laws 2, no. 4: 440-468, 2013

Trimikliniotis, N. (2009) “Exceptions, Soft Borders and Free Movement for Workers”, in Minderhoud, P. and Trimikliniotis, N. (ed.) Rethinking the Free Movement of Workers: The European Challenges Ahead, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, pp. 135-154.