Trimikliniotis, N. (2014) “‘The only thing I like integrated is my coffee’: Dissensus and Migrant Integration in the Era of Euro-crisis”, in Pajnik, M. and Anthias, F. (eds.) Contesting integration, engendering migration: theory and practice, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 64-8.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2014) “Cyprus”, chapter in European Immigration: A sourcebook edited by Anna Triandafyllidou and Ruby Gropas, 2014, Second Edition, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 67-82; first edition 2007, Aldershot, pp. 45-58.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2012) “The instrumentalisation of EU Integration Policy: Reflecting on the dignified, efficient and undeclared policy aspects”, chapter in Pascouau, Y., Strik, t. (eds.) Which Integration Policies for Migrants? Interaction between the EU and its Member States, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 109-128.
Trimikliniotis, N., Souroulla, M. (2012) “Informalisation and Flexibilisation at Work: The Migrant Woman Precariat Speaks”, Floya Anthias, Maria Kontos and Mirjana Morokvasic, (eds.) Female Migrants in Europe: The Paradoxes of Integration, Springer, New York, 2012, pp. 59-78.
Trimikliniotis, N., Demetriou, C. (2012) “Cyprus”, Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Anna Triandafyllidou (eds.) Addressing tolerance and diversity discourses in Europe, A Comparative Overview of 16 European Countries, CIDOB. Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, pp. 275-293.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2012) «Το μείζον διακύβευμα της Ένταξης – Αντιμετωπίζοντας τον ρατσισμό και τις διακρίσεις σε βάρος των μεταναστών» [“The major issue of integration – combating racism and discrimination against migrants”, chapter in Phellas, C., Peristianis, N., Amitsis. (eds.) Το Κοινωνικό Πορτραίτο της Κύπρου 2012 [The Social Portrait of Cyprus 2012], University of Nicosia, Nicosia, pp.178-214.
Trimikliniotis, N., Souroulla, M. (2010) “New Female Migration and Integration related policies in Cyprus”, Kontos, M. and Slany, K. (eds.) The new female migrants in European societies – A state of the Art, Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 233-259.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2009) “The Use and Abuse of Undeclared and Unprotected Labour: Migration, Europeanisation and the Role of Trade Unions”, Neergaard, A. (ed.) European perspectives on exclusion and subordination: The Political economy of migration, Maastricht: Shaker, pp. 177-199.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2009) “Globalisation and Migrant Labour in a ‘Rainbow Nation’: a fortress South Africa?”, Ronaldo Munck (ed.) Globalisation and Migration, New Issues, New Politics, Routledge [co-authored with Steven Gordon and Brian Zondo]
Trimikliniotis, N. “Populism, Democracy and Social Citizenship: Discourses on ‘Illegal Migration’ or beyond the ‘Fortress’ versus ‘Cosmopolitanism’ Debate”, Berggren, E. Likic-Brboric, B. Toksöz, T. and Trimikliniotis, N. (eds.). (2007) Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe, Maastricht: Shaker, 2007, pp. 351-371.
Trimikliniotis, N. “New Migration and Racism in Cyprus: The Racialisation of Migrant Workers”, in Anthias, F. and Lazarides, G. (eds.) Into the Margins: Migration and Exclusion in Southern Europe, 1999, Ashgate, Avebury, pp. 139-178.