Gender, Children & Disability
Gender, Children & Disability
Demetriou, C. (2018) Estimations of the number of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in Cyprus, commissioned by ICF for EIGE.

Demetriou, C. (2014),The role of children in administrative proceedings: Cyprus Country Report in the framework of a project operated by Milieu Ltd in partnership with ICF-GHK, commissioned by DG Justice, Directorate C: Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship.

Demetriou, C. (2013),The role of children in criminal judicial proceedings: Cyprus Country Reportin the framework of a project operated by Milieu Ltd in partnership with ICF-GHK, commissioned by DG Justice, Directorate C : Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship,

Demetriou, C. (2013), The role of children in civil proceedings: Cyprus Country Report in the framework of a project operated by Milieu Ltd in partnership with ICF-GHK, commissioned by DG Justice, Directorate C: Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship.

Demetriou, C. (2013), Study on the legal framework applicable to racist or xenophobic hate speech and hate crime in the EU Member States: National Report for Cyprus (JUST/2011/EVAL/FW/0146/A4) in the framework of a project operated by Milieu Ltd in partnership with ICF-GHK, commissioned by DG Justice, Directorate C: Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship, Unit C1: Fundamental Rights and Rights of the Child.
Demetriou, C. “Trafficking, Profiteering and State Complicity: Researching the Demand Side of prostitution and trafficking in Cyprus”, Translocations: Migration and Social Change, Volume 5, Issue 1

Demetriou, C., Trimikliniotis N. (2008) The demand side of trafficking: National Report for Cyprus, based on qualitative primary research into the demand side of trafficking under the AGIS program, with two transnational partners (in Greece and in Germany), 2007-2008. Project Title: Demand for Stolen Lives. Researching the Demand Side of Trafficking (DeStoLi). Duration: January 2005-August 2007, Leading organization: Re-integration Centre for Migrant Workers, Athens, Greece, Funded by the European Commission, DG Justice and Home Affairs under the program AGIS 2005. Co-authored with Dr Nicos Trimikliniotis