Trimikliniotis, Nicos (2025) “Pushbacks, State Crimes, and the States of Exception during the pandemic and post-pandemic times: Racialisation and Border Regimes in Cyprus”, forthcoming in
Citizenship StudiesCharalambous, G. (2024).
“Critical Junctures, Ideological Continuity and Change in Western Europe: Comparing the Pandemic and the Global Financial Crises”,
Global Society., Michaelangelo. 2024. “Populism and the Mirror of Technology”, in Andy Knott (ed.)
Populism and Time: Temporalities of a Disruptive Politics. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Charalambous, G. (2022).
The European Radical Left: Movements and Parties since the 1960s. London: Pluto Press.
Charalambous, G. (2022). Special Section on The State and Organised Social Groups in the Republic of Cyprus.
The Cyprus Review, Spring Issue, 34, 1.
Charalambous, G. (2021). “(Il)liberal Organisation? Internal Party Democracy on the European Radical Left”,
PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 14 (1), pp.411-434.
Charalambous, G. (2021).
“Issue Salience and Party Competition in Southern Europe before and after the Euro Crisis: the Primacy of the Economy holding back Cultural Issues”,
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 33(4), pp. 581-600.
Co-authored with N. Conti and A. Pedrazzani
Charalambous, G. (2021). “Reclaiming Radicalism: Discursive Wars and the Left”,
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism and Critique, 19 (1), pp.212-230.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2020) «Η ιθαγένεια στο σφυρί: μια αδιανόητη απειλή για το κράτος δικαίου, τη δημοκρατία και την ευρωπαϊκή πολιτότητα» [“Nationality on sale: an unthinkable threat to the rule of law, democracy and the European citizenship"]
Θέσεις, vol. 153, October-December 2020, pp. 85-100.
Charalambous, G. (eds) (2019).
Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe London and New York: Routledge, Radical History and Politics series.
Co-edited with G. Ioannou
Trimikliniotis, Nicos,
Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens : Cyprus, [Global Governance Programme], GLOBALCIT, Political Participation Reports, 2018/12 -, G. (2018). "Far Right Extremism and Populist Rhetoric: Greece and Cyprus in an Era of Crisis,"
South European Society and Politics, 23 (4): 451-477.
Co-authored with P. Christoforou
Charalambous, G. (2018). “The ‘People’ and its ‘Enemies’ in the Republic of Cyprus: A Country of Populist Frames but not fully-fledged populism",
The Cyprus Review, 30 (2): 25-41.
Charalambous, G. (2018). “Cue Theory and International Trust: The EU as a Proxy for Trust in the UN”,
International Studies Review, 23 (3): 463-488.
Co-authored with I. Lamprianou
Charalambous, G. (2018). “The Political Contestation of European integration in Southern Europe: A Story of Friction among and within Parties”,
Party Politics, 24 (1): 39-51.
Co-authored with N. Conti and A. Pedrazzani
Charalambous, G. (2017). “Party Systems, Party-Society Linkages and Contentious Acts: Cyprus in a Comparative Southern European Perspective”,
Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 22 (1): 97-119.
Co-authored with G. Ioannou
Charalambous, G. (2017). “The (Non) Particularities of West European Radical Left Party Supporters: Comparing Left Party Families”,
European Political Science Review, 19 (3): 375-400.
Co-authored with I. Lamprianou
Charalambous, G. (2016). “On the Political (Non) Distinctiveness of Marxism-Leninism: Comparing the Greek and Portuguese Communist Parties”,
Journal of Communist and Post-communist Studies,
49 (2): 147–161.
Co-authored with D. Keith
Charalambous, G. (2013/2016).
European Integration and the Communist Dilemma: Communist Party Responses to Europe in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. Farnham: Ashgate/London and New York: Routledge.
Charalambous, G. (2016).
The European Far Right: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Nicosia: Peace Research Institute Oslo and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Charalambous, G. (eds.) (2015).
Party-Society Relations in the Republic of Cyprus: Political and Societal Strategies. London and New York: Routledge, Mediterranean Studies series. Co-edited with C. Christophorou
Charalambous, G. (2015). “Surprising Elections amidst Exciting Times? Of Proxies and Second Order Events in the Cypriot European Elections 2014”,
South European Society and Politics, 20 (3): 403-424.
Co-authored with B. Papageorgiou and A. Pegasiou
Charalambous, G. (2015). “No Bridge over Troubled Waters: The Cypriot Left Heading the Government, 2008-2013”,
Capital and Class, 39 (2): 265-286.
Co-authored with G. Ioannou
Trimikliniotis, Nicos
, Country report on citizenship law: Cyprus, [GLOBALCIT], EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2015/01, Country, Reports, Cadmus, European University Institute Research Repository, European University Institute, Florence, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUDO Citizenship Observatory in collaboration with Edinburgh University Law School, Country Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-CR 2015/1, Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy.
Charalambous, G. (2014). “Societal Mobilization Strategies at Times of Crisis among the South European and Irish Radical Left”,
Government and Opposition, 51 (2): 261-293. Co-authored with I. Lamprianou
Charalambous, G. (2014). “Taking Party Ideology Development Seriously”,
Italian Political Science Review, XLIV (2): 193-203.
Charalambous, G. (2013). “A Society within Society: Linkage in the Case of the Cypriot Communist Party”,
South European Society and Politics, 18 (1): 101-119.
Co-authored with C. Christophorou
Charalambous, G. (2012). “Το ΑΚΕΛ και η ΕΕ” [AKEL and the EU],
Greek Review of Political Science, issue 39
.Charalambous, G. (2011). “Bringing Instrumentality In: A Theoretical Case for the Role of Transnational Affiliations in Party-based Europeanisation”,
Journal of Contemporary European Research, 7 (3): 310-326.
Charalambous, G. (2011). “All the Shades of Red: Examining the Radical Left’s Euroscepticism”,
Contemporary Politics, 17 (3): 299-320.
Charalambous, G. (2011). “Realignment and Entrenchment: The Europeanisation of Rifondazione Comunista”,
Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 12 (1): 29-51.
Trimikliniotis, N. (2009; 2007) “Nationality and Citizenship in Cyprus since 1945: Communal Citizenship, Gendered Nationality and the Adventures of a Post-Colonial Subject in a Divided Country”, Rainer Bauböck, Bernhard Perchinig, Wiebke Sievers (eds.),
Citizenship in the New Europe, Amsterdam University Press, 2007; second edition 2009.
Charalambous, G. (2009). “The Presidential Elections of February 2008 in the Republic of Cyprus: The Context, Dynamics and Outcome in Perspective”,
The Cyprus Review, 21 (1): 97-122.
Charalambous, G. (2007). “The Stronger Communists in Europe: Accounting for AKEL’s Electoral Success”,
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 23 (3): 425-56.